Your ears go through a lot during your lifetime. From noisy traffic to loud music, daily life can take a toll.

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), almost 15 percent of U.S. adults have some degree of hearing loss. While older adults are more likely to have what the NIDCD refers to as “disabling hearing loss” (35 decibels or more in one or both ears), people of any age can experience hearing troubles.

A hearing aid may be able to help. However, before you dive in, it’s important to get a hearing test and a professional diagnosis.

Before investing in a hearing aid, these steps can help you rule out other hearing loss causes, such as neurological problems. Most hearing aid providers will direct you to get an in-person hearing test or exam before purchasing a product.

Below, we take a look at Signia, a hearing aid provider. We’ll go through the brand’s offerings and reputation, as well as how to buy Signia hearing aids.

What are Signia hearing aids?

Signia sells Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved hearing aids. The company offers an online hearing test for people to determine if they have hearing loss in either or both of their ears.

After the test, you’re prompted to book an in-person appointment with a hearing specialist.

You can test devices at in-person locations and browse options online. However, you can’t buy Signia hearing aids online.

Hearing aids vs. PSAPs

Hearing aids are different from personal sound amplification devices, or PSAPs.

While FDA-approved hearing aids may be able to help you cope with hearing loss, PSAPs can actually contribute to further hearing loss.

It’s important to know what you’re getting. Signia hearing aids are true hearing aids, not PSAPs.

Signia hearing aids pros and cons

Here’s a brief overview of the pros and cons of these hearing aids.


  • Free hearing test. You don’t need to take the test to make an in-person appointment with a Signia hearing specialist, but the test is readily available online if you want to take it.
  • Signia app. The app experience allows you to communicate with a hearing specialist without scheduling an in-person visit.
  • Wide range of options. Signia offers a variety of hearing aid styles and types to fit multiple needs.
  • Custom fitting. Unlike over-the-counter hearing aids, Signia’s devices are custom-fit by hearing professionals.


  • Expensive. Much like other quality hearing aids, Signia’s devices can be pricey. However, costs vary depending on your provider and location.
  • Not available online. You’ll need to book an appointment and get your hearing aid(s) from a hearing professional. You can’t buy the devices online.

What’s available from Signia?

Signia has an extensive line of hearing aids. They offer various types, including:

  • in-the-canal (ITC)
  • receiver-in-canal (RIC)
  • completely-in-canal (CIC)
  • behind-the-ear (BTE)
  • in-the-ear (ITE)

Here’s a breakdown of Signia’s different lines.

Signia Active

  • Type: ITC
  • Features: Bluetooth connectivity and artificial intelligence (AI) digital assistant
  • Suitable for: Mild-to-severe hearing loss

These earbuds come with a charging case that allows you to juice them up on the go. They hold a charge for up to 26 hours.
Thanks to the AI digital assistant, which learns your preferences, they automatically adjust to different environments.
They’re available in three colors: Snow White/Rose Gold, Black/Silver, and Black.
Learn more about Signia Active hearing aids online.

Styletto X

  • Type: RIC
  • Features: Bluetooth connectivity and on-the-go charging
  • Suitable for: Mild-to-moderate hearing loss

The sleek Styletto X comes with a handy charging case. It’s compatible with Signia’s myControl app and features a rechargeable lithium-ion battery.
The Styletto X is available in five colors: Snow White/Rose Gold, Black, Black/Silver, Cosmic Blue/Rose Gold, and White.
Learn more about Signia Styletto X hearing aids online.

Silk X

  • Type: CIC
  • Features: Almost invisible design
  • Suitable for: People who want a discreet hearing aid without the wait

The soft silicone helps make these tiny hearing aids more comfortable.
Unlike Signia’s other hearing aids, these are not custom-fit. Instead, they come with different-sized sleeves, which makes them more readily available.
You can choose between two colors: Black and Mocha.
Learn more about Signia Silk X hearing aids online.


  • Type: RIC
  • Features: Varies by model
  • Suitable for: All levels of hearing loss

There are four different hearing aids in the Signia Pure line. Each one is available in 10 different colors, and all four versions connect with the Signia app.

Learn more about Signia Pure hearing aids online.

Motion X

  • Type: BTE
  • Features: Bluetooth enabled and custom fitting available
  • Suitable for: All levels of hearing loss

These hearing aids can be custom-fit. There are three different models, and Signia says some even work for profound hearing loss.
They’re Bluetooth enabled and have a feature called “Own Voice Progressing” to help make your voice sound more natural.
These devices come in 10 different colors.
Learn more about Signia Motion X hearing aids online.

Intuis 3

  • Type: ITE, RIC, and BTE
  • Features: Discreet and Bluetooth-enabled
  • Suitable for: All levels of hearing loss, except profound

This hearing aid can be custom-fit. You can control audio-streaming via Bluetooth and choose from 5 colors.
Learn more about Signia Intuis 3 hearing aids online.

IInsio Nx

  • Type: ITE, ITC, IIC, and CIC
  • Features: Small design
  • Suitable for: Mild-to-severe hearing loss

These discreet hearing aids are made to provide natural, clear sound and can clarify in noisy environments. Color options vary by model and style.
Learn more about Signia Incasio Nx IIC/CIC or Signia Incasio Nx ITC/ITE hearing aids online.


  • Type: BTE and ITE
  • Features: Designed for one-sided hearing loss
  • Suitable for: One-sided hearing loss

This line of Signia hearing aids is specifically designed to accommodate those with hearing loss on one side.
The devices wireless transmit sound from the ear with hearing loss to the ear without hearing loss.
Learn more about Signia CROS hearing aids online.

Signia app and accessories
Signia has an app that allows you to control your hearing aids straight from your smartphone. The app also includes Signia Assistant, which uses AI to give you a tailored experience.
Additionally, the app includes a mask mode feature that’s designed to help you hear better when people are wearing face masks.
Signia also offers a number of accessories, including:

  • miniPocket. This small remote control allows you to control your hearing aids without the Signia app.
  • StreamLine TV. This allows you to stream the sound from your TV straight to your hearing aids.
  • Various chargers. These charge Signia’s rechargeable models.
How much are Signia hearing aids?
Pricing for Signia hearing aids varies depending on your provider and location. You can search for providers near you on Signia’s website.Signia doesn’t offer financing for their hearing aids.

Should you buy Signia hearing aids?

It depends. It’s hard to say if a Signia hearing aid is right for you without first gathering more information.

Your best bet is to visit an ear, nose, and throat specialist to determine whether your hearing loss is related to a medical issue.

After ruling out any underlying health issues, the next step is to visit an audiologist or hearing specialist to get a hearing test. They can recommend a device to help treat hearing loss.

Signia reputation

Because Signia is a fairly new brand, it’s difficult to say for sure whether they have a good reputation. That said, they do use Siemens technology, a brand with an excellent reputation.

Customer reviews for Signia hearing aids are mixed. Some people say they love the sound quality of Signia devices. Others complain about connectivity issues that require repeat repairs.

There are also negative reviews citing battery issues and rechargeable devices not holding a charge.

Signia warranties and returns

Signia’s standard warranty lasts for one year. According to Signia, it’s also possible to get an extended warranty that lasts another 1 to 2 years.

Signia also offers a repair service in case anything goes wrong with your hearing aids. If they’re in warranty, repairs are free. If they’re out of warranty, you’ll have to pay for repairs.

How to order Signia hearing aids

You can take a hearing test online to find out if you have hearing loss. Taking this online test isn’t mandatory.

Visit the Signia website to find a nearby retailer and schedule an appointment for an in-person hearing exam.

The hearing specialist will determine if a hearing aid would benefit your hearing loss, and they’ll help you pick out a device to fit your needs. Most devices are custom-fit to your ears, so you’ll have to wait until they’re ready for you.


A hearing aid can help treat hearing loss in some people.

A specialist, like an audiologist, can help you determine whether a hearing aid is right for you and select an appropriate hearing device.

However, hearing aids are pretty expensive, so make sure to shop around before settling on a particular option.

To get started, talk with your doctor about your hearing loss concerns. They can refer you to a specialist who can determine whether your hearing loss results from an underlying issue. A hearing specialist can then fit you for a hearing aid.